Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oh hello brand new start, I was hoping it was you!

It’s supposed to be beautiful out (come on spring!), but instead we have snow.  SNOW!  I’d rather have a thunderstorm… followed by sunshine!  Mostly, I’d like sunshine for this weekend when I’ll be visiting my Alma Mater for a dose of my favorite sport, Rugby!  It’s the second annual Old Goat Alumni Tournament, where the ol’ boys try to trounce the current team.  My secret (or maybe not so secret) hope is that eventually the girls will get their ducks in a row and we’ll have 2 games for these fabulous weekends!

More importantly, I'm in the process of trying to secure a job, that would truly be an excellent step to the rest of my life. It would be working in HVAC design at a small firm (12 employees or so).  As a first paid job in the building industry, it would be incredible.  Especially since the owner seems to have a passion for teaching the business.  In my previous internship, I learned so much from the small architecture firm standpoint, but it was more about design and presenting designs to municipal boards and clients.  This new opportunity will hopefully be the beginning of my education of what lies behind the walls I was designing. 

It looks very probable that this fall will find me in Amherst, MA as I embark on the crazy journey that will be my [first] Masters degree!   I’m very excited because this could include the purchase of a house (as an investment).   A house would mean that in my [probably nonexistent] free time, I’ll be able to garden and upgrade the house and be in my own architectural/design dream!  I'll save my thoughts on that for another post, but it certainly got me thinking of what my ideal home would be... Lets just say it involves Tudor architecture, exposed wood, and lots of gardening!