Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Yeah, I know...

.....Long time, no write.  I've been bad; it's been months.  Needless to say, I have plenty to share in the form of backdated posts, however I will wait to do that and give you a current update.

My major bike ride, the Tour de Cure (in Watkins Glen, NY) will be here in less than two weeks!!! I'm a little apprehensive, since it'll be a very big ride for me, but I'll be having a great time doing it with the wonderful boyfriend in tow.  I have several rides that I've done recently, though most of them don't come with pictures.  Honestly, that doesn't bother me overly much because it simply means that I'll need to do those rides again.  Luckily I haven't found a single route that I don't like.  

About 2 weeks ago, I rode around Keuka lake in the Tour de Keuka.  It's a similar ride to the one I'll be doing in the next couple of weeks, but the funds go to JDRF the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.  It was about 97 degrees out and the 46 miles seemed to drag on a bit, but finishing felt incredible.  I spent most of the ride alongside a lawyer, Greg, from Florida.   He was visiting his parents (who have a cottage on Keuka lake) with his wife and kids, and decided to do the ride on a whim.  He had wonderful encouragement and advice for me and helped push me to ride harder and faster (Jake was off with the front of the pack going about a bazillion miles an hour...).  

Bicycling always makes me feel so good about myself, that I often am led to the question of what am I going to eat?!?! (once I get home).   Recently this has blossomed into a few different things.  I made "refrigerator pickles" and promptly fell in love with them.  The recipe came from a blog link on Tastespotting, one of my absolute favorite gold-mines for recipes.  Once I come up with my own spice blend, I'll submit it there and post pictures here!  (Maybe some intermediary ones firsts...)  I also made Amish zucchini bread which is delicious.  I brought some to my cousin Amy's bridal shower, and everyone gobbled it up in the space of an hour or two!

Tonight, I made scones.  I love scones.  The English Rose is one of my favorite places to go when I'm home, and their scones don't have eggs so they became an instant favorite in my house since my grandmother and mother were/are both afflicted with an egg allergy. 
Yes, stolen from the web, but honestly the best shot I could find of the English Rose!
...And to the right, my scones.  Before they were covered in butter and munched!
I made blueberry scones tonight (because Jake LOVES blueberries) and they taste fantastic.  I used some  frozen berries picked last year or the year before at Jake's Uncle's property.  We love to go berrying there and I think we're due for another berrying date with Jake's grandmother!

My garden also deserves an update.  I'll have to add photos of the foliage, but as you can see, both my garden (the zukes) and Jake's mom's garden (cukes & pepper) are thriving nicely.  Which really is an understatement but alas, it's too late to take photos outside..

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