Sunday, July 5, 2015


It's been more than a year and a half since I last wrote.  "Architecture of Another Form" was a doomed venture from the start I think, started because everyone was starting a blog and I wanted in.  Now though, I actually have a purpose. Now, I might actually keep this thing going. Now, I actually have something to write about and this will help keep me accountable to my new adventure.

I have been struggling for years with my ever slowly increasing weight.  At 5'-0", I topped out at almost 160 lbs, which is quite a bit on such a small frame.  I noticed how much harder it's been to move and to do the things I love, but I've also noticed how much easier it is to say "yes" to being lazy or eating foods that I know don't sit well with my body. I've tried a number of different approaches, but mostly beat myself up for not being disciplined enough to exercise enough to lose the weight. I never called myself the three letter "F" word, but I was miserable.  I told myself that I simply wanted to be stronger and happier, which are still true, but the truth is, I know at the heart of all of this is my weight. It's at the heart of many of my self esteem issues, my movement issues, and my energy issues.

I've changed the name of this blog, and the focus, to chronicle my next adventure: a 12-week journey to reform my diet and change my lifestyle.  For 12 weeks I will adhere to a strictly Paleo diet to reset what needs resetting, heal what needs healing, and get me on the right path to feeling the way I want to.  I think I've known that this was what it'd come down to: truly committing to a significant diet change so that the increased exercise has the best partner it can.

Here's to the next 12 weeks of eating meats and veggies and healthy fats, and limiting fruits, dairy, and grains and to seeing some of the elusive changes I've been working toward. And it all starts tomorrow morning.  For now, I will thoroughly enjoy my bowl of Pecan Praline Granola from my favorite grocery store and prepare to truly embrace the Paleo lifestyle.

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